iG Soltherm is a French company specialized in manufacturing solar water heaters.Our structure, due to its location, enjoys a favorable industrial
At the heart of the solar energy industry for several
years, we are able to make your solar water
heaters according to your plans and specifications.
iG Soltherm makes individual or collective systems of hot water from solar. We provide only the importers, wholesalers and professionals in the renewable energy sector (no individuals). iG Soltherm innovates and develops a very comprehensive product that covers all the needs associated
with the hot water for a home, community or company.
Manufactured in strict compliance with European standards our products also receive certifications:
- CE
- Solar Keymark
Closely with our customers and engineers in renewable energy, iG Soltherm is a company of innovation and development. We highlight our market knowledge to produce solar water heaters even more efficient for households and